The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a fun, exciting and free way to help your child develop the early literacy skills needed to start kindergarten.
Sharing books with children is a wonderful bonding experience and promotes a lifelong love of books and reading. Any child from birth to five years of age can participate in this program.
Here is how to participate:
- Register by clicking here
- Singing songs, saying rhymes, telling stories, and playing with your child are all great ways to build their literacy skills.
- Visit the Mount Pleasant Public Library for free programs that are fun and educational for your little one and to find great books to share with your child.
• Visit the Childrens' Room at the Main Library and add a car to our interactive "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten" mural and pick up a reading booklet (or print one here).
• Track your reading by coloring in a circle for each book you read with your child.
• Every book read counts, including books already read before and books heard in story time, daycare, preschool or read by a friend or family member, as long as your child listens to the entire book.
• When you have completed the program, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you will be contacted to schedule a time to pick up your certificate and prize bag
Ask our friendly staff for suggestions—we’re here to help you on your journey to 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten!
Happy Reading!